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What is Intuitive Coaching?

An Intuitive Coach is someone who

helps you to:


Get a clear idea of your purpose and core desires.


Many times, people aren’t completely sure what they’re meant to do, or what would make them happy. They have some ideas about things they’d like, but they don’t know how to create real, lasting joy and meaning in their lives.


As your Intuitive Coach, I help you to get crystal clear on what you want, what you’re passionate about, and what kind of impact you want to make in the world.


  1. Form a concrete, actionable plan, and gives you the secrets to making sure it succeeds. Once you know what you want, whether you already know it right now or you discover it during your coaching session, I will help you to determine the course of action that will bring you to that goal. And, more importantly, teach you about the invisible laws that govern whether or not you will succeed.

  2. I’m sure you’ve noticed that some people seem to be able to create success almost effortlessly, even if their goals initially seemed impossible, whereas others continue to struggle for years without making headway. What’s the difference? The difference is, the successful ones use the infallible laws of the universe in their favor, while the ones who stay stuck ignore these laws or accidentally use them against themselves.

  3. A good Emotional Energy Coach can explain to you how these principles work, and how to make sure that they’re working FOR you instead of against you.

  4. Discover the obstacles that are secretly holding you back.  Many of us long to live better, more expanded lives, and to have an impact on those around us.  But part of us also clings to the things that are familiar and safe.

  5. As you start to move toward the life of your dreams, your old habits, fears and beliefs will rush to try to hold you back, using an amazing array of subtle tactics to protect the status quo

  6. There will be distractions that will tempt you to leave your most important projects for tomorrow, doubts that drain your confidence and slow your progress to a halt, habits that cause your efforts to be ineffective, and fears that lead you to hold back, concealing your light and power and leaving you unable to give it your all.

  7. An Emotional Energy Coach helps you to discover these obstacles, even if you’re unable to see them yourself, and form a plan for moving past them so that you can move toward your ideal life full-steam ahead, instead of making slow progress, or none at all.
















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